We stand firmly on GOD's original institution of the family that comprises of a male and a female. We believe all humans are created and fashioned in the image and likeness of GOD. Therefore, every human has self worth and significance, even the unborn baby is valuable in GOD's eyes and ours
MBNK NEWS TV is built upon integrity. We remain committed to the Word of GOD by courageously standing up for what it is written
MBNK NEWS TV aim is to be the "connector" of the divide Body of Christ bringing unity back, one relationship at a time
MBNK NEWS TV endeavors to broadcast teachers with the revelation of GOD's Kingdom and demonstration of His Power
What we believe
- We believe in our Constitution which is the Bible, Holy written word of GOD (Supreme Being) from Genesis to Revelation.
- We believe in the Trinity of GOD the Father, GOD the Son and GOD the Holy Spirit (the Governor of our soul, mind and body).
- We believe in the perfect finished work of our King Yeshua, the Messiah (his cross, death and resurrection) and the power HE gives to all who accept Him to become the children of GOD (Supreme Being) .
- We believe our King Yeshua is coming back again and HE shall reign with us on earth forever and ever.
Our Motto
Why we do, what we do?
We are executing our King’s mandate found in Article: Matt. – Section 10, sous-section 13
- Article John – Section 1, sous-section 1- 13
- Article Luke – Section 12 and sous-section 32
- Article Acts – Sections 1 and 2
- Article Ephesians – Section 4, sous-sections 4 -6
Our Slogan
“Contrasting worldly facts with Kingdom TRUTH – The Original Truth.”